van de Moosdijk
Hoogstraat 155 ,
5615 PC Eindhoven
The Netherlands
+31 (0)6 22 81 77 00
Import & Export - Buying & Selling antiques from France, Belgium, The Netherlands and other European countries. Daily new arrivals.
A pair Antique nightstands
Antique mirror with console 2 m high 1m15 wide 425€
Antique de knudt mirror
Antique dealer
Antique from Italië
Antique walnot vitrine
Antique iron walltable with marble on top
Antique table wood 96 cm high
Antique nightstands a pair Inlaid with marble on top
Antique store
Big mirror with wallconsole
Antique Cristal all compleet 75€
Antique big commode from France
Barok mirror and console
Boheems cristal
Big Capi de Monte chandelier
Deknudt Antique mirror 1m25 high 350€
Antique Cristal chandelier 350€
Design Cristal chandelier 110€
Antique Cristal chandelier
All old classic cars
Antique store
Antique theacar
Antique vitrine
Antique Inlaid furniture with bronze
All Boheems Cristal
Antique painting
Big Cristal chandelier
A pair Clasonee vases 175€ for pair
Antique dealer
DIV Antique
Antique oilpainthing
Porselein Antique with bronze
Antique vitrine from Italië
Big capi de monte porselein chandelier
Antique italien dress
Antique store
Antique furniture from Italië
Antique bronze statue
Antique table mirror
All old classic cars
Antique store
Antique French table Inlaid wand with bronze 190€
Antique marble bustes
Antique mirror and kabinet
Antique mirror and boulle furniture
Antique store
Antique store
Antique porselein
Antique painthings
Antique mirror
Old classic cars
Antique furniture
Old Inlaid furniture
À pair old Clasonee vases 37 cm high
Antique table Inlaid and with bronze 65 cm wide 80 cm high
Small antique furniture
Old mirrors with consoles
Antique bronze statue
Antique vitrine from Italië
Antique dealer
Antique store
Antique table with bronze and marble on top
Limoges porselein
Antique porselein
À pair Inlaid tables full with bronze 75 cm high 47 cm wide
Antique bronze
Antique marble buste 33 cm high
Antique marble buste
Antique porselein with bronze
Antique mirrors
Bronze flûte
Tables pair Inlaid and with bronze
Antique painthings
Antique marble bustes
Antique marble buste
All Classic cars
Div big samack statues
Antique painthings