Tilburgseweg 19 ,
5051 AA Goirle
The Netherlands
+31 (0)135 347943
Antique dealer
Welcome on the website of our Shop in the Netherlands. We are one of the leading specialist dealers in Europe of Fine Antique Arms & Armour and Antique Clocks, with over 40 years of experience. Our carefully selected stock is ever changing and has added the collections of Museums as well as Private Collectors all over the world.
A fine antique English Box-Lock Flintlock Pocket Pistol with Thumbpiece safety catch by Ketland & Co London. Circa 1789-98. Caliber 12mm, length 16,5cm. In very good condition. Price 1.350 euro
An antique English Box-Lock tap-action side by side Perussion Pistol with thumbpiece safety catch by Durs Egg London. Caliber 9,5mm. Length 16cm. In very good condition. Price 950 euro
An antique English Brass Tap-Action Box-Lock double barreled Flintlock Pocket Pistol by Bullied(Bulleid) late Wilkinson Bristol circa 1800 with thumbpiece safety catch. Caliber 9,5mm, length 15,5cm. In very good condition. Price 850 euro
A Swiss Versuchs/trial Stutzer sharpshooters Rifle Model 1851-69 Vetterli typ 1 conversion. Caliber 41 Swiss Rimfire. Length 131cm. In very good condition. Price 1.150 euro
An antique probably Swiss Flintlock Musket, circa 1800, caliber 18 mm, length 141 cm, in very good condition. Price 1.200 euro
An antique unrestored French Revolution Period Flintlock Musket Model 1777, caliber 18 mm, length 140 cm, complete with bayonet, in good condition. Price 750 euro
An unrestored antique Swiss Flintlock Musket, on the barrel the Bern marking, circa 1800, caliber 18 mm, length 138 cm, in good condition. Price 850 euro
A Belgian Double barreled Flintlock Sportin Rifle by Michel Berleur Liege (1780-1810) With rainproof pan's with safety covers released by a spring-catch at the front of the steels. Caliber 15mm. Length 122cm. In very good condition. Price 2.950 euro
An antique German Hanover Model 1854 Bayonet for Hanoverian Pickelgewehr. Length 51,5cm. In very good condition. Price 325 euro.
An antique French socket bayonet Model 1847 for 1842-53-54-57 Musket. Length 53cm. In very good condition. Price 175 euro.
An antique British Pattern 1838-39 Brown Bess Bayonet with Hanoverian Catch. Length 50cm. In very good condition. Price 125 euro.
An antique India made Bayonet for Indian Brown Bess Musket with locking ring. Length 49,5cm, socket lenght 78mm. In very good condition. Price 125 euro.
An antique India made Bayonet for Indian Brown Bess Musket with locking ring. Length 48,5cm, socket lenght 76mm. In very good condition. Price 115 euro.
An antique Swedish Model 1799 musket with bayonet. Caliber 20mm, barrel 106,5cm. Length 147cm. In very good condition. Price 1.550 euro.
An antique Swiss percussion Stutzer sharpshooters Rifle with bayonet. Set-triggers. Caliber 16mm. 90 cm octagonal Damast barrel. Length 131cm. In very good condition. Price 1.450 euro.
A fine antique Swiss percussion Target Rifle by Henri Léo Fleuriel Senevay in Neuchatel (1809-51). Caliber 10,5mm. 85,5cm octagonal Barrel. Length 126cm. In near mint condition. Price 2.950 euro.
An antique Swiss percussion Stutzer/sharpshooters Rifle by Johann Müller in Bern (1800-66). 96cm octagonal Damast barrel. Fine etched steel mounts. Caliber 17mm. Length 135cm. In very good condition. Price 1.750 euro.
An antique German Prussian Model 1839 percussion Infantry Musket. Lock signed F.W. Saarn. Caliber 18,5mm. Length 143cm. In very good condition. Price 1.350 euro
An antique Swiss Flintlock Musket circa 1800, a.k.a. "Haus Gewehr", on the barrel "G.LUZERN No 680", caliber 18 mm, length 142 cm, in very good condition. Price 1.850 euro
An antique Swiss Peabody Rifle Model 1867, altered for hunting, caliber 41 Swiss Rimfire, length 116 cm, in very good condition. Price 495 euro.
An unrestored antique French Flobert Rifle, caliber 8 mm, length 99 cm, in fair condition. Price 150 euro
An antique Swedish Military Model 1845-54 Percussion Musket for Minié bullet. Made by Carl Gustav Stad 1853. Caliber 18,5mm, length 146cm. In very good condition. Price 1.500 euro
An antique circa 1800 Swiss Flintlock Musket a.k.a. "Hausgewehr" with bayonet, signed on barrel: G:LUZERN No. 540A. Caliber 18mm, length 142 cm. In very good condition. Price 1.750 euro.
An antique Swiss Stutzer/target percussion Rifle by V. Sauerbrey in Basel. Set-triggers. Caliber 11mm. Length 136cm. In very good condition. Price 1.350 euro
An antique British WW I Webley & Scott Flare Gun No. 1 MK III, dated 1915, sn 20909, in very good condition. Price 395 euro
An antique probably Swiss Percussion Pistol with a very rare lock sytem, caliber 10 mm rifled, length 28 cm, adjustable rear-sight, in very good condition. Price 550 euro
An antique French Converted Model 1777 Percussion Pistol, caliber 18 mm, length 35 cm, in very good condition. Price 575 euro
An antique shortened Austrian Lorenz Cavalry Pistol Model 1859, signed FRED FRUWIRTH, caliber 13.8 mm, Barrel 22cm. length 38 cm. In very good condition. Price 575 euro
The Book: Waffen des Abendlandes by Alfred P. Zeller. 159 pages. Price 15 euro.
The Book: UURWERKEN by A.A. De Boer. 148 pages. Price 15 euro.
The Book: De Grote Veldslagen by Cyril Falls. 304 pages. Price 25 euro.
The Book: Handguns A collector's Guide to Pistols and Revolvers from 1850 to the present by Frederick Wilkinson. 112 pages. Price 25 euro.
The Book: Rifles and Pistols by Jeremy Flack. 96 pages. Price 15 euro
The Book: Notes on Small and Medium Caliber Military Cartridges by J. Lenselink - W.D. de Hek. 205 pages. Price 125 euro.
The Book of Guns & Gunsmiths by Anthony North and Ian V Hogg. 255 pages. Price 25 euro.
The Book: Sporting Guns by Richard Akehurst. 135 illustrations in colour & black and white. 96 pages. Price 25 euro.
The Book: Musket, Roer & Pistolet, 17e-eeuws wapenhandwerk in de lage landen. By J.B. Kist. Texts simultaneously in English and German. 176 pages. Price 20 euro.
The set of Books: Watchmakers & Clockmakers of the World by G.H. Baillie. 2 Volumes, 650 pages. Price 30 euro
The set of Books: Firearms Past and Present, A complete review of Firearms systems and their Histories. By Jaroslav Lugs. 2 Volumes in original box. 1150 pages. Price 50 euro.
The Book: Military Rifle & Machine Gun Cartridges by Jean Huon. 378 pages. Price 30 euro.
The Book: Antique Guns in colour 1250-1865 by Robert Wilkinson-Latham. 215 pages. Price 25 euro.
The Book: French Pistols and Sporting Guns by A. N. KENNARD. 64 Pages. Price 20 euro
The Book: Arms and Armour by Stephen V. Grancsay. 45 pages. Price 15 euro.
The Book: De Geschiedenis van het Wapen der Koninklijke Marechaussee. Mr. W. van den Hoek, 500+ pages. Price 20 euro
The Book: Pistolen en Revolvers ENCYCLOPEDIE by A. E. Hartink. 272 pages. Price 15 euro.
An antique Swiss Infantry Rifle Model 1817 converted in 1842 to Percussion with Bayonet. Caliber 17,5mm smooth. Barrel 108,5cm. Length 148cm. In very good condition. Price 1.350 euro.
An antique Danish Minié-Rifle Converted from Model 1828 in 1846 to Percussion. Caliber 17,8mm Rifled(minié) 104cm Barrel, length 143cm. In very good condition. Price 1.250 euro.
An antique Swiss Neuhausen Model 1863/67 Milbank-Amsler conversion Infantry Rifle with Bayonet. Caliber 10,5mm Rimfire. Length 139cm. In near mint condition. Price 1.450 euro.
An early Swiss Flintlock Sporting Gun, circa 1700, signed Le Montauban Geneve (also known as Antoine Carnus Geneve 1697-1722), caliber 16 mm smooth, length 155 cm, in very good condition. Price 2.500 euro
An antique French Artillery Percussion Carbine M 1829 T bis, signed Mfr Rle de Tulle, caliber 17,6 mm, length 98 cm, complete with Bayonet signed Mfr Imp Chatellerault 1854, in very good condition. Price 950 euro
An antique Swiss Martini-Henry Breechloading Target Rifle by Rud. Elmer St. Gallen. Caliber 41 Swiss Rim and Centerfire. Set-triggers. 80cm octagon barrel. Length 128cm. In very good condition. Price 1.150 euro
An antique Swiss Martini-Henry breechloading Rifle by J.U. Banziger St. Gallen. Caliber 41 Swiss Rim and Centerfire. 75,5cm barrel. Set-triggers. Length 119cm. In very good condition.
An antique Swiss Model 1817 Cadet rifle/Kadettengewehr converted to Percussion. Barrel 81,5cm with St. Etienne mark. Length 117cm. In very good condition. Price 950 euro.
An antique Belgian engraved Flobert Rifle. Caliber 6mm rimfire. Length 103cm. In very good condition. Price 595 euro.
A rare antique Swiss Trial/versuchs Vetterli single shot model 1869 Stutzer/sharpsshooters Rifle. Caliber 41 Swiss Rimfire. Length 128cm. In very good condition. Price 1.150 euro
An antique 18th century Dutch/English Flintlock Pistol, lock signed T. KETLAND (Birmingham 1737-1816), barrel with Utrecht town mark, caliber 17 mm, length 40 cm, in very good condition. Price 1.650 euro
An antique Swiss Infantry percussion Rifle model 1863 by A. Francotte a Liege with Bayonet. Barrel 93cm. Caliber 10,5mm. Length 133cm. In good/very good condition. Price 850 euro
An antique Probably Spanish/Cuban Remington Rolling block Short Rifle. Caliber 12mm centerfire. 60cm Barrel, length 99cm. In good/very good condition. Price 495 euro
An antique British India Pattern Brown Bess Musket, signed GALTON 1807, complete with Bayonet signed JOHN GILL, caliber 19 mm, length 138 cm, in very good condition. Price 1.350 euro
The book Die schonsten Waffen und Rustungen, 251 pages. Price 55 euro
The Book: Pistolen und Revolver der Schweiz seit 1720. Kriss Reinhart/Jürg A. Meier. 265 pages. Price 125 euro
The Book: Prunkwaffen , Waffen und Rüstungen aus dem Historischen Museum Dresden. Johannes Schöbel. 255 pages. Price 30 euro
The Book: VUURWAPENS van 1840 tot heden. J. Lenselink. 255 pages. Price 25 euro
The Book: Nederlandse Vuurwapens Landmacht, Marine en Koloniale troepen 1866-1895. By B.J. Martens/ G. de Vries. 2872 pages. Price 40 euro.
The Book: Nederlandse Vuurwapens Landmacht, Marine en Koloniale troepen 1813-1866. By B.J. Martens/ G. de Vries. 280 pages. Price 40 euro.
The Book: VUURWAPENS Majoor F. Myatt, M.C. 216 pages. Price 25 euro
The Book: Samuel Colt Arms, Art, and invention by Herbert G. Houze. WITHOUT DUSKJACKET. 260 pages. Price 49 euro
Sotheby's catalog 14 december 2000, 185 pages. Price 20 euro
An antique Swedish shortened Rolling Block Rifle by Carl Gustav 1875. Caliber 12.7x44R Centerfire. Barrel 70,5cm. Length 111cm. In very good condition. Price 450 euro
An antique Belgian Model 1816-22 Officers percussion Pistol. Damascened Barrel. Caliber 17,5mm smooth. Length 38cm. In very good condition. Price 795 euro.
A fine antique probably Belgian made Adams Patent 5 shot double action percussion revolver. 38 Caliber. 5 inch barrel. Length 29cm. In near mint condition. Price 950 euro.
A fine antique Swiss Martini-Henry breechloading Stutzer-Rifle by J.L. Schwarz in Bern belonging to Emil. Probst Architekt Bern. Caliber 41 Swiss Center and Rimfire. Ribbed octagonal Barrel of 87,5cm. Length 133cm. In very good condition. Price 1.950 euro
An antique circa 1800 Swiss Flintlock Musket a.k.a. "Hausgewehr", signed on barrel 18 Munster. Caliber 20mm, length 141 cm. In very good condition. Price 1.450 euro.
An antique Belgian Rook Sporting gun. Caliber 15mm smooth. Barrel length 69,5cm, total length 108cm. In good condition. Price 350 euro.
An antique American Civil War Sharps Model 1852 slanting breech Percussion Carbine, .52 caliber, length 96 cm, in very good condition. Price 3.500,- euro
An antique early 17th Century Dutch or German Matchlock Musket from the "Rustkammer" of Emden City, caliber 22 mm, length 158 cm, in very good condition.
An antique WW1 Dutch Officers Sword "Wandelsabel, Model 1912" made by Hörster Solingen, on the blade YZERHOUWER, total length 106.5 cm. In very good condition. Price 375 euro
An antique Swiss Percussion Stutzer/Target Rifle. Lock Signed Bindschädler (Zürich 1850), 91cm Octagon barrel Signed Pfenninger Staefa(Stäfa). Caliber 10,5mm. Length 129cm. In very good condition. Price 1.450 euro.
An antique heavy German or Swiss percussion Stutzer/target Rifle. Caliber 10mm. 85,5cm Octagon Barrel. Length 124cm. In good condition. Price 950 euro.
An unrestored antique Swiss Percussion Target Rifle, circa 1800, converted from flintlock, caliber 17 mm. 104cm octagon barrel. Set-Triggers. Length 143 cm. In fair condition. Price 495 euro
A rare antique Dutch probably experimental or prototype Beaumont M1871 Bayonet. Length 58cm. In very good condition. Price 225 euro
An antique Swiss Vetterli Model 1869/71 Bayonet. SN68470. length 55cm. In very good condition. Price 225 euro
An antique Swiss Vetterli Model 1869/71 Bayonet. length 55cm. SN76021. In very good condition. Price 250 euro
A rare antique Swiss Model 1777-AN IX Bayonet marked CV for Canton de Vaud. Length 53,5cm. In good condition. Price 175 euro.
An Antique British model / Pattern 1853 Enfield Bayonet. Length 51,5cm. In very good condition. Price 125 euro
An Antique British model / Pattern 1853 Enfield Bayonet. Length 52,5cm. In very good condition. Price 150 euro
An antique Belgian Model AN IX-1816 Bayonet. Nr. 215. Length 48cm. In very good condition. Price 225 euro
A fine Antique British model / Pattern 1853 Enfield Bayonet with original leather scabbard marked with Broad Arrow over WD. Length 52,8cm. In very good condition. Price 250 euro
An antique German/Swiss Percussion Sporting gun circa 1850. Caliber 15.5mm. Length 140cm. In very good condition. Price 595 euro.
An antique late 17th century German/Swiss Flintlock Musket with bayonet. Lock with Suhl mark. 105,5cm Barrel marked F658. Caliber 18mm. Length 143cm. In very good condition. Price 1.750 euro.
An antique German Baden St. Blasien Model 1813/40 Infantery Percussion Musket with Bayonet. Caliber 17,5mm. Barrel 108,5cm, Length 147,5cm. In very good condition. Price 1.250 euro.
An antique US Remington Rolling Block Egyptian Model 1869 Rifle with Yatagan Bayonet. 35 inch barrel. Caliber 11.5mm. Length 128cm. In very good condition. Price 950 euro.
An antique Swiss Percussion Rifle signed on the lock "Hermann in Bern" and on the barrel "Joh Hefer in Biglen", caliber 17 mm rifled, length 131 cm, in very good condition. Price 1.450 euro
An antique German/Swiss Flintlock musket late 18th century. Caliber 18mm, barrel 108cm. Bronze mounts. Lock and barrel with Suhl markings. Length 146cm. In very good condition. Price 1.350 euro
An antique English-India Enfield Snider Rifle. Caliber .577. Length 141 cm. In very good condition. Price 795 euro.
A very heavy German Target percussion Rifle by A. Andriessen Aachen. Caliber 18mm. 104cm/41 inch octagon Barrel. Length 143cm. In very good condition. Price 2.450 euro.
An antique Swiss Percussion Rifle signed De Pierre Gross a Jussy, caliber 17 mm rifled, length 125 cm, in very good condition. Price 1.900 euro
An antique English-India Enfield Snider Rifle. Caliber .577. Length 140 cm. In very good condition. Price 875 euro.
An antique English Target Percussion rifle with set-triggers. Lock Signed: Colling (William, Hexham, Northumb) Circa 1850. 30 inch octagon barrel. Caliber 10mm. Length 120cm. In very good condition. Price 750 euro